Saturday, April 16, 2011

We Lost Our Baby :( We now have 2 children in Heaven.

I got the horrible news on April 15, 2011 that my Beta had dropped. A miscarriage is on the way. :( I am beyond words. My body feels as if my heart and soul are slowly and painfully being ripped from my body. When I wake up the next morning I feel EMPTY. I feel as something Huge has been lost and that it will never be found or put back. The empiness feeling is probably the hardest to deal with. What once was a growing healthy new life in my womb is now dying and leaving my body. This is so painful. I am trying to stay strong but it is hard. This is our second child we have lost in 4 short months. It doesnt seem fair, but my faith tells me that there is a reason that my baby had to go with God. My faith is still strong! I will not give up this fight! God is good! I believe 100% that we WILL have a healthy child soon. Infertility will NOT win! We WILL win!!! This is a promise to myself and just something that I have faith in.

I am only one out of 8 million Amercians who is suffering with this disease. I believe more awareness needs to be brought forth. The government does not seem to take this disease as serious as it should be taken. Only 14 states in the USA have mandatory insurance coverage for IF. The rest of us have to pay Everything out of pocket. I feel Infertility is compared to cosmetic surgery and that infuriates me! The places that we infertiles have to go to for loans are the same company's that give loans for boobs jobs, I mean WTF!?!? Most woman are born with completely healthy reproductive organs and having children is just the normal thing, it's the way God made woman. Well Infertility means that we have some underlying problem or disease that is keeping us from being able to reproduce. Why isnt it seen this way??? Something needs to change. Infertiltiy is a very real disease. It causes horrible depression and aniexty. It causes plenty of physical pain. We need a change and we need it soon! Please help this cause in anyway that you can. Do some research and find ways to help. Chances are that someone close to you is suffering but they are suffering in silence due to embarassement. As a woman it is embarassing not to be able to do what most other women can due without any second thoughts about it.
I have lost the only children that I have to Infertility and I will Never give up this fight!


  1. Amy,

    I am so sorry for your loss. You have such amazing faith, and I truly believe with you that God will provide...and you will have a healthy baby soon. I love your quote: "Infertility will not win!". "We will win!". I am so sorry, and I am praying for you.

    I also agree that there should be more resources and help for IF couples. It is a disease!

  2. Oh dear Amy, I am heartbroken to read that you are losing this pregnancy. You are so strong, but this is enough to bring anyone to their knees. I hope that you can take the time you need to grieve this loss. I am so sorry.

  3. Amy, I am sooooo sorry for your loss :( I can't even imagine your pain and frustration! How on earth can they compare IF to cosmetic surgery? That is just unfair and pathetic! I hope someday that changes. There should be insurance for IF because everyone should be able to have a chance o hav a child without taking loans and going broke! That is ridiculous! I am so sorry for what you are going through....and if you ever need to talk I am always here! Stay strong and good things happen to those who wait. You are amazing!

  4. just checking on you today Amy, and still thinking of you!


  5. Thank you so much ladies! I am doing pretty good considering everything. I am still new to blogging so I hope that you are able to see this comment becuase your support means so much to me! I am still in pain, but I realize that God does have a wonderful plan for us and I just know that we will be parents soon! :)
    Thank you again for all your help and support!!!

    Deanna- Thanks for checking in on me. :) That is very sweet! I appreciate you very much! My smile is slowly but surely coming back!

    <3333 .... Amy

  6. you are so inspiring Amy. It is ok to 'not be ok'...if you know what I mean. I am so glad to hear that your smile is coming back slowly...but take the time you need to grieve. I am thinking of you...and I am so glad you let us know how you are doing. hugs, lots of hugs to you my friend!

  7. I am sorry for your loss I pray you are wrapped in the love you need.

  8. I am so sorry for your loss....I know it is terribly heartbreaking and I wish words could take your sadness away. Take time to rest and grieve. xo

  9. I am so sorry for your loss. This is such a painful situation...I had this happen twice last year and it's so awful to have it happen over and over. I pray that next time everything will go perfectly for you.
    Hugs to you...
    -Kristen from

  10. I'm so sorry for your loss. My first mc was awful but when I got pregnant again the very next cycle, I really thought it would make up for the "fluke" of my first mc. Nope, I miscarried again. The pain is just awful.

    You're not alone.

  11. Thank you so much for all your kind word s and support!

    Kelly- I am so sorry for your losses :( I thought the same exact thing as you, the first was fluke and #2 was The One! Now its time for surgery and I am scared. I pray that we both get our true BFP'S soon! :)

    Thank you again! XOXOXOXOX <3333
